SEMI-THERM has awarded the 2014 THERMI Award to Ali Shakouri.
Presented yearly, the THERMI award is intended to recognize a recipient’s history of contributions to crucial thermal issues affecting the performance of semiconductor devices and systems. Shakouri was selected as this year’s winner by the voting body of past THERMI winners and current General Chair Genvieve Martin of Phillips Research.
Ali Shakouri is the Mary Jo and Robert L. Kirk Director of the Birck Nanotechnology Center and a professor of electrical and computer engineering at Purdue University. Shakouri received his engineering degree from Télécom, Paris, France in 1990 and Ph.D. from the California Institute of Technology in 1995. His current research is on nanoscale heat and current transport in semiconductor devices, high resolution thermal imaging and waste heat recovery systems. Shakouri is also working on a new interdisciplinary sustainability curriculum in collaboration with colleagues in engineering and social sciences. He received the Packard Fellowship in Science and Engineering in 1999 and the NSF Career award in 2000.