AI Technology, Inc. has released COOL-PAD™ CPR7154, a thermal interface material that dispenses like a thermal pad but exhibits characteristics like that of a grease or gel when device temperatures increase to above 45°C.
Ideal for use in LEDs, gaming consoles, laptops and desktop computers, COOL-PAD™ CPR7154 is optimized to accommodate large areas with different heights and gaps of less than 3-mil along its interfacing area. COOL-PAD™ CPR7154 is filled with a modified oxide mixture and is electrically insulating at normal voltage. It is designed to have high compressibility as applied in comparison to traditional thermal pads.
The new TIM is semi-tacky on both sides for optimum thermal transfer performance and features high thermal conductivity and low Tg characteristics that impose minimum thermal stress on bonded parts during thermal cycling or shock testing.
The ultimate performance of COOL-PAD™ is achieved after the first cycle of melt-flow phase-change at 45°C or automatically when the device heats up during operation or with externally applied heat if the device is not anticipated to reach 45°C.
A mechanical fastener of 5 psi or more is recommended to provide intimate contact between the COOL-PAD™ and the interfacing surface, as COOL-PAD™ is not designed for bonding.