It could save your company a shed load of time and money…
OK, here’s some research by Aberdeen Group, which I presented at several of the recent Solutions Expos. First off, the Mechanical Analysis Division’s customers choose Mentor’s tools because they recognise them as being the best. They don’t just make do with tools available as part of another software suite, as shown below in the graph below.
So Mentor’s customers think they’re choosing the best tool. Well, so what? They’re only the best if using them rather than other tools can be shown to deliver some tangible business benefit. So what’s the proof?
Of the evidence that Aberdeen Group gathered, the most compelling is shown in the graph below. It cuts to the chase by comparing the percentage of the total design time companies spend in thermal verification, i.e. getting closure on the thermal design.
Mentor’s customers complete their thermal verification in around a third of the time it takes companies that use other tools. WOW!
Much of the extra time and resources used by other companies will take place late in the detailed design phase, or later when problems are discovered during prototyping. Lengthy rework will be needed to achieve acceptable thermal performance. By its nature, this work will be unforeseen, delaying the product’s release and causing costs to escalate way beyond what’s been budgeted.
I guess it’s not a really a secret. But it is something your senior management would be very interested to know eh? OK, but don’t tell them just yet. Next time I’ll give you some insight into how Mentor’s customers do their thermal design work differently and show the impact this has on reducing late-design rework. I’ll speculate about why companies can’t do the same with other software, so you get the overall picture. I’ll even point you to a white paper that gives you some more background. Then you can tell them – a nice present just in time for Christmas, eh?
Seasons Greetings,
Dr. J, Hampton Court