Oct. 20
Future Facilities welcomes you to a live web presentation detailing airflow management basics, their effects, and the best ways to implement them.
What data center management practice is mostly overlooked but can have the single biggest impact on data center efficiency, IT resilience and data center longevity? The answer: airflow management. Proper airflow management can increase overall data center efficiency by 25-30%, enable more precise control of the IT environment, and add years to the useful life of the data center. No other single data center management practice has an impact this significant.
Given the stakes, why is proper airflow management so overlooked?
The answer is twofold. Firstly, the industry suffers from a lack of good information about airflow management as it simply was not that important until recent years. Secondly, proper airflow management, on the surface, appears difficult to achieve as it requires cooperation and coordination between two groups that typically do not interact: IT and facilities.
However, given that the useful life of your data center literally hangs in the balance, proper airflow management deserves another look.
Our presenters will discuss airflow management basics and answer questions such as:
• How does the absence of proper airflow management put data center longevity and resilience at risk?
• What is proper airflow management? Is it difficult and costly to implement?
• I already use blanking panels and containment, what else do I need to do?
• Why is airflow management equally important for IT and facilities?
• How much do I stand to I gain by incorporating airflow management practices?