Introduction The previous column in this series described methods for assessing whether a set of data was normally distributed [1]. In the event that data is shown to not have a normal distribution, one might ask how to conduct a statistical analysis on it given that many statistical tests are developed on the assumption that the data are normal. For example, how can two … [Read more...]
Confidence Intervals
The previous articles in this series [1, 2] described how the mean and standard deviations of a set of data are calculated and how they can be used to estimate the characteristics of a population using the normal distribution. Since measured data typically represents only a subset of an entire population, one should recognize that the estimated mean and standard deviation … [Read more...]
Statistics Corner: Regression Analysis
Throughout their careers, engineers and scientists are all likely to encounter and utilize the results of regression analysis, which is “a set of processes for estimating the relationships between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables” [1]. In other words, regression analysis uses a set of data to estimate a relationship between the independent … [Read more...]
Does a 10°C Increase in Temperature Really Reduce the Life of Electronics by Half?
This may seem like a silly question to ask in a magazine entitled “Electronics Cooling”, but why do we really care what temperature of electronics really is, anyway? The simple answer to that question is that it is universally recognized that electronics reliability when devices are too hot for too long of a time. The difficult answers to the question are in defining exactly … [Read more...]