Introduction Water cooling of computers was introduced more than twenty years ago, but had disappeared from the mainstream by the mid 1990s. The conversion of chip technology from bipolar to CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) was the main reason. As chip powers continue to increase, water cooling appears likely to become mainstream again. In the current market, the … [Read more...]
Phase Change Material Thermal Properties
Table 1. General Solid-Liquid PCM Characteristics [1] When electronics are operated under transient conditions, increasing the thermal capacitance is a useful technique for limiting temperature increases and/or minimizing the performance requirements of a heat sink. One effective method of increasing thermal capacitance is to include a material that undergoes a change of … [Read more...]
Design of Experiments for Numerical Parameter Studies of Electronic Systems: Optimizing the Cooling Strategy of an Ethernet Switch
Introduction As electronic products become more sophisticated and design margins tighten, defining the thermal management strategy early in the design cycle is vital to ensure a cost-effective design for the level of heat dissipation. Optimizing the cooling system for an electronic product can involve juggling many design parameters, such as airflow rate, fan and vent … [Read more...]
CFD Simulations in Electronic Systems: A Lot of Pitfalls and a Few Remedies
Introduction In the past 15 years, we have observed a significant increase in the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) codes to calculate the thermal behavior of electronic systems. The benefits are undisputed when it comes to performing parametric studies in early design phases. However, when the objective is accuracy, the discussion about what we can expect in practice … [Read more...]
"Revolutionary" New Thermal Management Materials
Editors tend to frown on use of "revolutionary" in technical papers. However, advances in thermal management material properties in the last few years clearly warrant this word. There are now over a dozen materials with low coefficients of thermal expansion (CTEs) and thermal conductivities higher than that of copper (400 W/m K), and a score with thermal conductivities at least … [Read more...]
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