As more and more integrated circuits dissipate power at levels once reserved for power discrete devices, junction-to-case thermal resistance (JC or RJC) remains as important as ever. The difficulties in making JC measurements often leads to values that do not accurately indicate true junction temperature (TJ). The measurement difficulties are usually two-fold. First is … [Read more...]
Visualization of air flows in electronics systems
The three-dimensional shape and irregular nature of electronic component topologies on air-cooled Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) give rise to complex air flow patterns that have been well documented [1]. Even laminar flows over relatively simple shapes, such as cubical metal blocks simulating electronic components, often exhibit multi-dimensional flow phenomena that include … [Read more...]
Component thermal characterization
For decades, the worldwide electronics industry has produced a stream of products that continue to amaze us with their capabilities, their compactness, and their low price. This track record is due, in part, to an intricate set of interrelationships between a large number of hardware and software vendors who balance cooperative and competitive market strategies. Key elements in … [Read more...]
CFD: One measly letter away from CAD
"The stuff you engineers design is too good," the guy from Marketing said, "I need shoddier! Can you make them less efficient and cheaper?" I was working for a small company that made electric power conditioning equipment. Our devices protected against spikes, sags and brownouts in the AC power for mission-critical equipment like air traffic control radar and the computer … [Read more...]
We still have a headache with Arrhenius
"We have a headache with Arrhenius" was attributed to Takehisa Okada, Senior General Manager of Sony Corporation, when asked about Sony's perspective on reliability prediction methods during a U.S. Japanese Technology Evaluation Center visit.[1] The thermal environment is an important consideration in the design of electronics. Temperatures that arise during the use of … [Read more...]
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