Introduction Air-moving devices (AMDs), such as fans and blowers used for cooling inelectronic systems invariably generate acoustical noise which must be consideredif people are exposed to the emitted noise. In this article, we discussquantitative measures for the description of noise, design guidelines for theselection of low noise air movers, upper limits for the noise … [Read more...]
How to evaluate fan life
Convection air cooling is still the most commonly used method of coolingmicroelectronics. In order to deliver air cooled computer equipment with higherreliability, we need to focus on the life expectancy of the air moving devices(AMDs). However, this is not a trivial exercise because there are so manyvariables and there is no industry standard for AMD life test procedures. … [Read more...]
Direct liquid immersion cooling for high power density microelectronics
Introduction Since the development of the first electronic computers in the 1940s, thedevelopment of faster and denser circuit technologies and packages has beenaccompanied by increasing heat fluxes at the chip and package levels. Over theyears, significant advances have been made in the application of air coolingtechniques to manage increased heat fluxes. Although air cooling … [Read more...]
Why the traditional reliability prediction models do not work – is there an alternative?
Introduction While it is generally believed that reliability prediction methods should beused to aid product design and product development, the integrity andauditability of the traditional prediction methods have been found to bequestionable, in that the models do not predict field failures, cannot be usedfor comparative purposes, and present misleading trends and relations. … [Read more...]
Environmental stress testing – a product improvement method
Introduction and Summary In today's competitive environment, the electronics industry is focusing onbusiness process re-engineering or product improvements with emphasis ondevelopment and manufacturing intervals and costs, warranty costs, fieldreliability, and customer maintenance costs. Some of the improvement methodsused are cross-functional teams, concurrent engineering, … [Read more...]