Figure 1: Standard situation Figure 2: Required situation Introduction The future of many electronic companies will depend to a large extent ontheir ability to initiate techniques that bring schedules, performance, tests,support, production, life cycle costs, reliability prediction and qualitycontrol into the earliest stages of the product creation process. The … [Read more...]
Specifying filters for forced convection cooling
Introduction The importance and utility of air filters is often underestimated since itis typically an after-thought in the design cycle. The wrong filter is oftenused for an application which may compromise the electrical and thermalperformance of the system as a result of contaminant build-up. In this article,different filter designs and the selection process is reviewed to … [Read more...]
Evaluation of different heat transfer coefficient definitions
The analysis of convective heat transfer problems pivots on the accurate knowledge of the heat transfer coefficient, h. The heat transfer coefficient is affected by many parameters which have been defined differently by various investigators. for natural convection cases, the temperature distribution is the governing parameter, while for forced convection problems, the fluid … [Read more...]
Elements of device thermal characterization
The increased power dissipation of today's integrated circuits has made knowledge of thermal resistance important to those who manufacture and use these devices. Thermal resistance is a device (i.e. semiconductor chip mounted in a package) parameter that is used to calculate junction temperature if the device power dissipation is known or can be estimated. This parameter is a … [Read more...]
Safety tips and techniques for FEA in modeling solids
Using commercially available finite element analysis (FEA) software is easier today than it has ever been. Software vendors have made great progress toward providing programs that are as easy to use as they are powerful. But, in doing so, software suppliers have created a perilous quagmire for unwary users. Some engineers and managers look upon commercially available FEA … [Read more...]