In many cases, especially in the earliest phases of the product creation process, it may be necessary for the Designer to make rough calculations as to the thermal behavior of the proposed product. If a problem is identified, alternative cooling technologies should be considered in the next design phase. In such cases, it is useful to have some idea of the limits of the … [Read more...]
Temperature measurement using optical fibers
Introduction Fiber optic temperature measurement has been in use for decades1.The most prevalent methods are fluorescent and radiation thermometry, also knownas pyrometry. Fluorescent temperature measurement is used for lower-rangemeasurements from -200°C to +450°C. Pyrometry best covers ranges from100°C to 4,000°C, and is based on the physics of Planck's blackbodyradiation … [Read more...]
An introduction to thermoelectric coolers
Figure 1: Cross Section of a Typical TECouple Introduction Thermoelectric coolers are solid state heat pumps used in applications wheretemperature stabilization, temperature cycling, or cooling below ambient arerequired. There are many products using thermoelectric coolers, including CCDcameras (charge coupled device), laser diodes, microprocessors, blood analyzersand portable … [Read more...]
Thermal control of space electronics
Introduction Telecommunication satellites are all based on the same overall design usinga 3 axis stabilization process, in which the North and South panels act asradiators and so ensure heat removal. This basic principle is illustrated in Figure 1. The ever-increasing demandfor national and international space-based communications in parallel with theevolution of space … [Read more...]
Thermal Interface Materials
Thermattach thermally conductive adhesivetapes Introduction Today's semiconductors, whether discrete power or logic ICs, are smaller,run faster, do more and generate more heat. Some microprocessors dissipatepower levels that were once the exclusive domain of discrete power devices,namely 10 to 25 watts. These power levels require thermal management techniquesinvolving large … [Read more...]
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