Thermoelectric temperature control systems are being used in an increasingnumber of applications. Typical applications of these systems are in thermalregulation of electronic enclosures, recirculating chillers for laser cooling,semiconductor process control and management of patient hypo- and hyperthermia. Thermoelectric coolers (TECs) are essentially solid state devices that … [Read more...]
Environmental stress testing – a product improvement method
Introduction and Summary In today's competitive environment, the electronics industry is focusing onbusiness process re-engineering or product improvements with emphasis ondevelopment and manufacturing intervals and costs, warranty costs, fieldreliability, and customer maintenance costs. Some of the improvement methodsused are cross-functional teams, concurrent engineering, … [Read more...]
Why the traditional reliability prediction models do not work – is there an alternative?
Introduction While it is generally believed that reliability prediction methods should beused to aid product design and product development, the integrity andauditability of the traditional prediction methods have been found to bequestionable, in that the models do not predict field failures, cannot be usedfor comparative purposes, and present misleading trends and relations. … [Read more...]
A valve-less fluid pump for electronic cooling
In a research project at the Royal Institute of Technology we have developeda pump based on a new fluid pump principle with no valves. The pump consists oftwo fluid flow rectifying diffuser/nozzle elements which are connected to theinlet and outlet of a pump chamber with an oscillating pump diaphragm, as shownin Fig.1. The diffuser/nozzle element has a lower flow resistance in … [Read more...]
Applying computational fluid dynamics to heat sink design and selection
Abstract This article describes how Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) can help inthe selection and/or design of a heat sink for electronics cooling applications.CFD modeling complements the other tools in the thermal tool kit: calculationsbased on approximations and correlations; and experimental work. Whether theapplication includes single or multiple heat sinks, the … [Read more...]