Introduction The importance and utility of air filters is often underestimated since itis typically an after-thought in the design cycle. The wrong filter is oftenused for an application which may compromise the electrical and thermalperformance of the system as a result of contaminant build-up. In this article,different filter designs and the selection process is reviewed to … [Read more...]
The need for a change in thermal design philosophy
Figure 1: Standard situation Figure 2: Required situation Introduction The future of many electronic companies will depend to a large extent ontheir ability to initiate techniques that bring schedules, performance, tests,support, production, life cycle costs, reliability prediction and qualitycontrol into the earliest stages of the product creation process. The … [Read more...]
Thermal conductivity of printed wiring boards
The thermal management of printed circuit boards is of increasing importanceas the power density of components and circuits continues to rise. Thesituation is complicated by the use of boards with multiple sheets of copperembedded in the electrically insulating boards to provide electromagneticshielding and to allow more three-dimensional connectivity of the circuitry bythe use … [Read more...]
Evaluation of different heat transfer coefficient definitions
The analysis of convective heat transfer problems pivots on the accurate knowledge of the heat transfer coefficient, h. The heat transfer coefficient is affected by many parameters which have been defined differently by various investigators. for natural convection cases, the temperature distribution is the governing parameter, while for forced convection problems, the fluid … [Read more...]
How to Select a Heat Sink
With the increase in heat dissipation from microelectronics devices and the reduction in overall form factors, thermal management becomes a more a more important element of electronic product design. Both the performance reliability and life expectancy of electronic equipment are inversely related to the component temperature of the equipment. The relationship between the … [Read more...]