Silicon dominates the electronics industry as the semiconductor of choice for most applications, but some electrical functions require electronic properties different from those of silicon. A grouping of semiconductors termed "III-V" have desirable electrical properties for applications such as microwave integrated circuits, light emitting diodes and laser diodes. Some of the … [Read more...]
Advances In High-Performance Cooling For Electronics
Introduction The need for new cooling techniques is driven by the continuing increases in power dissipation of electronic parts and systems. In many instances standard techniques cannot achieve the required cooling performance due to physical limitations in heat transfer capabilities. These limitations are principally related to the limited thermal conductivity of air for … [Read more...]
Cooling Solutions In The Past Decade
Introduction In 1995, a typical thermal design engineer was aware that removing heat was not going to get any easier in the next few years. A look back at the past ten years reveals that thermal management remained a challenging field. Fortunately, developments and improvements in thermal management hardware have assisted the electronics packaging community by enabling higher … [Read more...]
A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Heatsink
Introduction When faced with the task of calculating the temperature of an IC in a package, which has an external heat sink mounted to it, a thermal engineer usually obtains a values of three thermal resistances: ΘJC , the junction-to-case thermal resistance for the package, ΘCS , the case-to-sink thermal resistance representing the thermal interface material (TIM) between the … [Read more...]
High Powered Chip Cooling — Air and Beyond
Introduction Over the past few years many people in the electronics industry have become concerned with the increases in heat density at both the chip and module level of packaging. This trend is not new and has been with us since the days of bipolar chips. As can be seen in Figure 1, the heat flux associated with bipolar circuit technologies steadily increased from the … [Read more...]
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