There will always be the need to get heat out of high power circuitry, but with a little extra design effort up front, we may be able to reduce overall power needs. Here are two techniques that can help do that. Turn Idle Circuits Off A circuit that is not always used can be turned off until needed. This is a technique widely used in battery powered electronics, but it can be … [Read more...]
Challenges In Thermal Control Of Military Electronics Systems
Thermal design engineers working in defense electronics are facing many challenges, some of which have been around for a long time and some that are more recent. Worldwide climatic extreme temperatures are reasonably constant and there are many military electronic systems that function in these extremes. As a result, there is significant design history available for … [Read more...]
Packaging And Temperature Control Considerations For Planar Waveguide Circuits
Optical Networking The all-optical network has been emerging as a solution to provide higher bandwidth, lower cost systems for handling high capacity network traffic. Due to the inherent limits of copper wire and the high cost-per-bit of electrical systems, service providers will replace electrical components with fiber optic counterparts wherever possible as the cost of the … [Read more...]
Temperature and reliability in electronics systems – the missing link
To introduce the reliability requirements we face for the future, we focus on telecommunication as an example. Personal telecommunication is becoming increasingly integrated into our daily lives. However, we cannot take full advantage of the technology unless the telecommunication system is as dependable as a car. Just as turning the ignition key should produce the right engine … [Read more...]
Thermal management of highly integrated electronic packages in avionics applications
The packaging and thermal management of electronic equipment has become an important issue because of increased power levels and the simultaneous miniaturization of the devices. With the advent of denser device packaging and faster intrinsic speeds, cost, reliability and size have been improved, but, unfortunately, packaging and thermal management have not followed at the same … [Read more...]