Introduction Mobile computing is poised to shape the way we live our lives, allowing people to generate, retrieve, and process data anywhere and at any time. The infrastructure for mobile computing is rapidly developing, as evidenced by the recent growth of cellular phone networks and a constant stream of innovations in portable electronic equipment. Mobile computing is also … [Read more...]
Forced convection cooling inside an electronics enclosure
Introduction One of the more complex thermal problems in electronics is the modeling of complete systems, such as an enclosure containing electronic components. A typical example would be a power supply, including heat sinks and a cooling fan. This problem becomes more difficult when there are multiple heat sinks and other large components arranged in an arbitrary manner inside … [Read more...]
Interaction of the system and module-level thermal phenomena- a flip-chip/BGA example
Fig. 1: Levels in a computer environment. Introduction Increasing demands for higher performance in microprocessors have a direct effect on chip power and heat generation. Increased function and miniaturization of the packages result in thermal challenges that require a thorough understanding of the system's thermal performance under all possible field conditions. Regardless … [Read more...]
Thermal management of handheld telecommunication products
Introduction Recent advances in mobile communications have enabled large scale development of handheld telecommunication products. Such products include cellular phones, pagers, two-way radios, personal digital assistants (PDAs), and other wireless and wireline equipment. The technological enhancements at device, package, and system levels have resulted in increased … [Read more...]
Thermal management of outdoor enclosures using phase change materials
Telephone equipment has traditionally been housed in large buildings, sheds and outdoor cabinets. The cooling of these facilities has been carried out using traditional methods. However, in many of the new systems being developed and deployed such as broadband ISDN, cellular and/or cable, heat dissipation densities will increase substantially [1]. Furthermore, the introduction … [Read more...]