There will always be the need to get heat out of high power circuitry, but with a little extra design effort up front, we may be able to reduce overall power needs. Here are two techniques that can help do that. Turn Idle Circuits Off A circuit that is not always used can be turned off until needed. This is a technique widely used in battery powered electronics, but it can be … [Read more...]
Numerical Modeling and Experimental Verification of High-density Servers
High-density hardware and software are developed as part of an initiative to greatly increase data center compute densities. Concept systems presented here are based on the Intel® Itanium™ processor family and are designed for a 1U rack-mount form factor. The current dual-processor system concept is targeted at the front-end server market (e.g., web hosting and mail routing), … [Read more...]
Thermal Design Challenges in Automotive Alternator Power Electronics
Ever since the advent of the automotive alternator, or claw-pole alternating current generator, in the 1960's, there has been an ever-increasing thermal design challenge to cool the power electronics in these machines. Figure 1 depicts a typical cutaway section of a modern day alternator. At first glance one may think that cooling the diodes in a rectifier bridge of an … [Read more...]
Managing power requirements in the electronics industry
Rapid growth in the use of Internet and telecommunication services has created unique yet critical demands on the power required to energize this network. Continuing market requirements for higher-speed access - coupled with expanding needs for all modes of electronic communications - have resulted in telecommunications systems that exhibit dramatic increases in power … [Read more...]
A system level cooling solution for cellular phone applications
Improving thermal performance of electronic components is very challenging due to the increasing power density and decreasing module sizes. The design trade off between electrical and mechanical characteristics and the cost of manufacturing MCM products requires innovative solutions to improve device thermal performance. The primary cooling path in portable electronics serves … [Read more...]