Figure 1. Wind tunnel configuration Introduction While there has been a flurry of activity inliterature addressing the behavior of heat sinks in computer electronics,the reusability of the data presented in these papers has been somewhatlimited for two reasons: 1) The data presented is application specific. 2) There has never been a standard method for characterizing … [Read more...]
Calculating interface resistance
Figure 1. Ceramic Package - Aluminum Heat SinkAssembly Introduction The exposed surface area of many of today's high powered electronic packagesis no longer sufficient for the removal of the heat generated during normaloperation. Heat sinks are a commonly-used, low cost means of increasing theeffective surface area for dissipating heat by means of convective air cooling.While … [Read more...]
A simple method to estimate heat sink air flow bypass
Introduction After selecting or designing a heat sink based upon a given air velocity orvolumetric flow rate through the fins, the thermal designer needs to determinethe total amount of flow which must be delivered in the duct or card passagecontaining the module w with heat sink. As shown in Figure 1, some of the flowwill go around or bypass the heat sink. In fact, depending … [Read more...]
Thermal Interface Materials
Thermattach thermally conductive adhesivetapes Introduction Today's semiconductors, whether discrete power or logic ICs, are smaller,run faster, do more and generate more heat. Some microprocessors dissipatepower levels that were once the exclusive domain of discrete power devices,namely 10 to 25 watts. These power levels require thermal management techniquesinvolving large … [Read more...]
Applying computational fluid dynamics to heat sink design and selection
Abstract This article describes how Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) can help inthe selection and/or design of a heat sink for electronics cooling applications.CFD modeling complements the other tools in the thermal tool kit: calculationsbased on approximations and correlations; and experimental work. Whether theapplication includes single or multiple heat sinks, the … [Read more...]