Introduction The thermal design of today's electronic equipment relies significantly on the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software for the prediction of electronics operational temperature. In the early to intermediate product design phase, CFD analysis is used to select a cooling strategy and refine a thermal design by parametric analysis. In the final design … [Read more...]
Thermal characterization of active components
In the European project SEED (Supplier Evaluation and Exploitation of DELPHI), the methods for thermal characterization of active components developed in the predecessor DELPHI (Development of Libraries of PHysical models for an Integrated design environment) were evaluated by component suppliers. The methods were improved for practical application and extended to a large … [Read more...]
Improving productivity in electronic packaging with flow network modeling (fnm)
As the complexity and power density of electronics systems increase, so too does the demand for tools to improve both product quality and designer productivity. This is especially true for thermal designers who use Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tools for thermal designs. Several important factors are driving this trend: System complexity has increased to the point that … [Read more...]
Use of junction-to-board thermal resistance in predictive engineering
The readers of "Electronics Cooling" are familiar with the reasons why the junction to ambient thermal resistance [1], JA or RJA, is an inadequate description of the thermal performance of an integrated circuit. Likewise, you realize that vendors cannot continue to state the integrated circuit will work at a specified ambient temperature (55°C, 70°C, 85°C, or 125°C) as device … [Read more...]
DELPHI – A status report on the European -union funded project for the creation and validation of thermal models on electronic parts
The accurate prediction of the operating temperatures of critical electronicparts at the component-, board- and system-level is seriously hampered by thelack of reliable, standardised input data. The DELPHI project is addressing thisproblem by the development and experimental validation of thermal models of avariety of `generic' electronic parts. DELPHI (which stands for … [Read more...]