Silicon dominates the electronics industry as the semiconductor of choice for most applications, but some electrical functions require electronic properties different from those of silicon. A grouping of semiconductors termed "III-V" have desirable electrical properties for applications such as microwave integrated circuits, light emitting diodes and laser diodes. Some of the … [Read more...]
Metals For Thin Wires – Criteria Of Choice
When a designer has to deal with thin current-carrying wires, a number of thermal issues pop up: Joule heating, heat losses and temperature measurement. For standard lead wires, one usually wants minimal Joule heating and minimum thermal resistance (in order to maximize the heat losses). Minimization of heat losses may be important for a research environment. Maximum Joule … [Read more...]
Phase Change Material Thermal Properties
Table 1. General Solid-Liquid PCM Characteristics [1] When electronics are operated under transient conditions, increasing the thermal capacitance is a useful technique for limiting temperature increases and/or minimizing the performance requirements of a heat sink. One effective method of increasing thermal capacitance is to include a material that undergoes a change of … [Read more...]
Seven Years Of Technical Data: An Overview
The first 1997 issue of ElectronicsCooling started with a Technical Data column, the first of a still continuing series of columns devoted to data that are of interest to thermal designers. In the author's opinion, it is high time to come up with an overview of all items that have been covered over the past seven years. As is obvious from the table, the majority of columns … [Read more...]
The Thermal Conductivity of Silicon Dioxide
Silicon dioxide (SiO2) is one of the most common and also one of the most important materials in the world as it is the basis for our windows, beaches and wine glasses. It is also a source of silicon, of course. As such, the thermal conductivity (TC) of the bulk material is well documented. However, in many cases of interest to the thermal management of semiconductors (for … [Read more...]
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